Friday, July 2, 2010

Progress on goals for the week

1. Walk with my sister Kim 2 or 3 mornings - walked wed & thurs and will be walking Saturday.
2.  Twitter at least once or twice a day - so far, so good.

3.  Post to my blog 2 times.  -  posted Tuesday and today. 

4.Gather class materials for ecourse that is starting July 1st.  - been picking away at this all week, almost done. (I crossed out half of this task, because it's actually almost done) -my dry sense of humor, can't be helped.

5.  Do something creative, just because.  - 6am this morning, base coated a couple of wooden surfaces for a couple of projects that I hope to complete this weekend, using new techniques that I'm learning with online course with Claudine Hellmuth.  I will post more pictures this weekend as I complete them.

6.  Respond to all new friends from Flying Classes - slow progress on this, hopefully more of this on sat/sun.

7.  If overwhelm sets in, go to craftroom to touch and look at craft supplies, Oh wait a minute, do that anyway, overwhelm or not.  -  did this thursday, refer to photos above :)

8.  Work on medium and long term goals.  -  hopefully this will get done Sat/Sun or will have to bump to next week's list - it's all good.


  1. yay-look at you blazing through your lists! I bet Claudine's class is super fun; LOVED her interview!

  2. Yes I will be very interested to see what you make! keep us posted!
